Uganda Floods 2007
In July 2007 the north eastern part of Uganda was devastated by continuous rains which caused catastrophic flooding. It was estimated to have affected over 300,000 people, many of whom were already living in IDP camps due to the continuous raping and pillaging of Lord's Resistance Army militia who were most active in this area. The water destroyed crops in this largely rural area, as well as causing the simple mud-huts in the villages to collapse. The main problem however was with health-related issues. Over half the population had malaria. Respiratory infections, brought on by the damp, were rife. There were many cases of diahorrea and Red Cross officials feared an out-break of dysentery or cholera. Some children were affected by all of these illnesses, and also had tuberculosis. Their only hope lay with the one-off injection which could be administered by The Red Cross. The only problem was that they only had enough injections to treat 1000 of the 3000+ people who attended their mobile clinic. The only way to decide who would get the jabs was to do simple "field triage". Deciding who was beyond help. Who wasn't sick enough, and treating only those who the doctors thought were 'saveable'.